Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The coronavirus pandemic continues to pose new challenges for us all. Today, we find ourselves in a time of twin crises: the worst global public health crisis in our lifetimes and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Yet, around the world, we are united in common purpose of caring for the sick, pursuing a cure, and lifting the human spirit.
As Christians still living in the world, we will experience all manner of trials and tribulations. The sufferings of Christ do not exempt us from suffering ourselves; but his sufferings seen in the light of his Resurrection give meaning and hope to our own. And so, even suffering does not take away our joy in the future promise of our own Resurrection.
Easter convinces us not only that Jesus is risen – but that we would rise as well. Our Christian faith is born not so much from the acceptance of a doctrine but from an encounter with a person – with Christ, once dead but now risen.
For us, to live in Christ means that we will never allow the things of this world to distract us from the true purpose and goal of our existence. We must seek to do God’s will in all things – even in the seemingly most mundane things. But doing God’s will and following the commandments does not deprive us of joy but it is what makes true joy possible.
While I know some may not be able to contribute given the economic impact this pandemic is having on you and your finances, I pray that those who can continue to support their parishes are doing so. Your support is vital to the ministerial work of your parish. Please consider making an online donation through your parish website or this Universal Online Offertory Page. Your parish needs you!
As many continue to be impacted by the effects of the coronavirus, people are suffering. Please join me by helping those most in need during this difficult time by making a donation to the Coronavirus Emergency Fund. We will get through this, but we must do it together.
Joy is a sign that we have been with the Lord. And this joy comes by not only following God’s law but also from knowing God in his son Jesus Christ. It comes from experiencing his mercy and grace and sharing in his divine life. Our witness will be that much more credible if it is joyful – our joy allows God to smile through us and thus – even in this time of a health and economic crises – to bring renewed hope to the world.
I invite you to continue to visit our website,, for up-to-date information, live-streaming of liturgies, and other resources.
Be assured of my continued prayers for you and your loved ones.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski
Archbishop of Miami