In solidarity with the world in need

The Church is called to be an “advocate of justice and of the poor” in the face of intolerable social and economic inequalities, which “cry to heaven”. Your gifts to the ABCD helps the Church here in South Florida to walk with the poor as their friend.

The ABCD appeal is made once a year, and unlike the weekly collections at Masses, which stay in the local parish, these funds go to the archdiocese, to fund programs and services that are beyond the scope of individual churches.

Total $12,000,000

A pie chart in this year’s brochure breaks down how the dollars were spent last fiscal year, based on the $12 million previously collected:

  • 24 percent, or $2,838,410 million, went to the education and formation of seminarians, clergy, deacons and religious.
  • 33 percent, or $3,943,762 million, went to ministries, evangelization and faith formation.
  • 43 percent, or $5,217,828 million, went to social ministries and assisting parishes and people in poor communities.

ABCD supports the many ministries of the Catholic Church in the three counties of our Archdiocese – these ministries represent concrete ways in which we perform what are called the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

Through your support of the ABCD you help our Catholic Church here in South Florida reach out to those brothers and sisters Jesus speaks about in the Gospel.

ABCD is our Catholic Charities, our religious education programs, our Catholic schools.

ABCD is the support of our seminarians and priests.

ABCD is in our marriage preparation programs, and our lay ministries that form people to minister to the bereaved, the homebound.

ABCD exists because of the generosity of people like yourselves, people who in good times and in bad times keep their support of the Church on their list of major priorities.

Every gift makes a difference. Thank you and God bless you.