Archbishop’s Charities & Development Drive
Archbishop’s Letter
My dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hope is not always easy especially in a broken world, yet our faith calls us to be agents of hope to unite, heal and transform our world. In the most challenging times, when it is easy to lose heart, there is always an invitation to witness hope knowing that God never gives up on us.
In this Jubilee Year, we are all invited to serve as pilgrims of hope and develop a deeper connection with our faith, anchored in hope and lived out in charity. Hope, like faith, is not an attitude or opinion, but is a special gift from the Holy Spirit that is vital in our lives. It is what gives us confidence for the future, even when things may seem bleak. For us Catholics, Jesus is our hope. (Romans 5: 5)
The Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive (ABCD) is one way we can bring hope to others and help them experience the transformative love of Christ- a love so powerful that it can heal the sick, convert hearts and change
the course of someone’s life. Whether it is through advocacy, education, housing, or serving the poor- just to name
a few- ABCD is bringing hope to those in need.
Please prayerfully consider opening your hearts in support of the ABCD and make a gift of hope today. A world
without God is a world without hope, and a world without hope is a world without a future. We must unite to bring
hope and the love of Christ to people- no matter who they are or where they live. Every gift makes a difference!
Be assured of my prayers for you and your loved ones. Thank you and God bless you.
With love and gratitude,