Supporting ABCD
In solidarity with the world in need
The Church is called to be an “advocate of justice and of the poor” in the face of intolerable social and economic inequalities, which “cry to heaven”.
Your gift to the ABCD helps the Church here in South Florida to walk with the poor as their friend.

Education and Formation of Seminarians, Clergy, Deacons & Religious
Ministries, Evangelization and
Faith Formation
Social Ministries & Assisting Parishes and people in Poor Communities
Join us and Leave A Legacy to support the Future of the Church.

Our faith is not confined to a physical building; the influence of the Church does not stop at its front door.
TOGETHER, We Are The Church. A universal body of believers, delivering God’s message of hope and love to everyone, everywhere. Your generosity to the Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive, ABCD, serves the Church so that the Church can serve you.
TOGETHER, We Are The Church, we can continue the work of Christ, no matter what challenges come our way.
Please join me in making a donation to the ABCD today. Every gift makes a difference.
Thank you and God bless you.